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Stichting Trashpackers
About Trashpackers
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Stichting Trashpackers
About Trashpackers
News & Media
Why Trashpacking?
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News & Media
Komrads: Trashpackers goes for sustainable fashion! (27-02-2020)
Trashpackers in Sweden: Städar undan plastföroreningen! (07-02-2020)
Trashpackers on Croatian Television! Channel HRT 1 (10-10-2019)
Trashpackers Indonesia BIG island cleanup! (22-6-2019)
Ligthartschool voorgelicht over plasticprobleem (11-12-19)
OrcaNation: The Trashpacker inspires kids in Singapore (06-09-19)
WWF: Van backpacker naar Trashpacker (09-09-19)
AD: Trashpacker Tijmen Sissing verrast met Groen Lintje (08-10-19)
EenVandaag (Avotros): Steef ging ‘trashpacken’ langs de Noordzee (13-08-19)
AD: Mijlpaal voor Trashpacker: 5665 kinderen lesgegeven (26-11-19)
WWF: Ocean witness Tijmen shares his story (22-01-19)
Trashpacker bij Scholengemeenschap Huizermaat (05-11-19)
“ChallengeForChange” (Trào lưu dọn rác) đang được rất nhiều người (15-03-2019)
World Cleanup Day: Borne Schoon 2050 (20-09-19)
Hưởng ứng “Trào lưu dọn rác”, bạn trẻ Việt xắn tay bảo vệ môi trường (15-03-2019)
“Người nước ngoài đến Việt Nam nhặt rác, tại sao mình không?” (14-3-2019)
Bạn trẻ Việt dọn rác và khoe ảnh theo trào lưu hot trên thế giới (13-3-2019)
Co-operation program Trashpackers and Youth Union Vietnam (12-07-19)
AD: Hoe de missie van trashpacker Tijmen uit Hengelo uitgroeit tot wereldwijde beweging (20-06-19)
Partnership met Travel Counsellors (03-04-2020)
Nationale opruimdag Trashpackers 23-03-19
Người Việt dọn sạch rác hưởng ứng thách thức trên mạng (13-3-2019)
Dấu chân đẹp của Trashpackers (11-03-2019)
Nederland Schoon: Tijmen Sissing: van backpacker naar Trashpacker (13-03-2019)
Ngày dọn dẹp quốc gia Trashpackers việt nam 09-03-2019
Nhóm bạn “Tây balo” nhặt rác vào trường tuyên truyền bảo vệ môi trường (21-02-2019)
Trashpackers Newsletter
[NL] RTL 4: ‘The Trashpacker: a man with a mission’ – Live bij 5 uur live
Coulisse loves Trashpackers! (New Partnership!)
[NL] The Trashpacker live interview bij Bwaste International
ABN Amro Conference – Kick-off Plasticdieet
[NL] AD: Gillende meisjes voor Tijmen die afval opruimt in Azië
[NL] The Trashpacker speaks at Twents Waste Symposium
The Trashpacker wins the DOT Star!
[NL] Linda nieuws: Live in Talkshow M: Tijmen werd ‘Trashpacker’
The Borneo Post: Dutch backpacker leads way in trash management
[NL] Bever Sport: Doing good. Meet The Trashpacker!
[NL] Trashpacker Tijmen gaat viral in Azië!
From Tawau to TaWOW (aftermovie cleanup)
The Trashpacker on Malaysian television! (NTV7)
World of Buzz: Touching Moment Dutch Traveller Inspires 13 Kids to Clean Up M’sian Beach
Trashpacker goes viral in Malaysia