About Trashpackers

Our mission
The Trashpackers Foundation is the engine behind a proactive global movement of travellers and local people who want to contribute in a positive way to a clean world. Trashpackers makes individuals, organizations and governments aware of the consequences of a lack of adequate infrastructure for the collection and processing of waste in large parts of the world. It does this through:
– Education
– Data collection and research
– Awareness campaigns
– Various projects
– Worldwide clean-ups
Our vision
We believe that instead of being against something, we can make more impact by showing what we stand for. By facilitating global clean-up actions, we aim to draw attention to our values:
– The impact of small-scale actions that can engage, spread like wildfire and move and motivate more people.
– Global producer responsibility.
– We see waste as valuable raw materials which can stimulate the circular economy.
– The use of disposable plastic should be minimized: reuse, separate and recycle is our rule of thumb.
– Education and inspiration are fundamental to powerful behavioural change.
Our values:
Cultural Engagement
We are stimulating intercultural relationships by bringing tourists into contact with local communities. Tourism can have a negative impact on other countries’ environment and their communities. Trashpackers is a counterweight for this as we motivate tourists to act like they are a guest in someone else’s home. By cleaning up together we create a reciprocal appreciation between the local community, by giving something back to these visited countries.
Trashpackers believes in the power of what one individual can do. By providing a playful platform for anyone and everyone who proactively wants to be part of the solution, we encourage individuals to take the initiative by themselves.
We’re supplying information about the global waste problem inside and outside the community. We educate participants during the cleanups about the consequences of trash, what we can do about it and how to inspire others to do the same.
Besides that, we are developing workshops for local communities who have a passion for teaching, to educate children on the global waste problem.
Data collection
Through data collection we ensure that the clean-ups are of added value and that the issue is solved at the source. The processed data in our uniform system is not limited to litter alone. Moreover, independent transparent data is collected regarding the origin of plastic and its destination post-use.
Trashpackers Foundation
Trashpackers Foundation is a Dutch-based non-profit foundation. Trashpackers is becoming a PBO (Public Benefit Organisation or ANBI in Dutch).
- Chamber of Commerce subscription is registrered under number 74306421
- Our RSIN number is: 859847706
- Our bankaccount is being hosted at the sustainable Dutch Triodos Bank. Donations can be transferred to: IBAN: NL57 TRIO 0379 6515 80 (BIC TRIONL2U) under the name of Stichting Trashpackers. Stichting means Foundation in Dutch.
Trashpackers Team
Trashpackers is a non-profit foundation and for this reason almost fully run by volunteers. We’re thanking our volunteers for supporting our mission and dedicating time to Trashpackers!
- Tijmen Sissing – Founder
- Vincent Hammingh – Designer
- Marcel Klein Legtenberg – Webmaster
- Daniëlle Schipper – Designer
- Marijn Westerik – Editor
- Spencer Roozeboom – Entrepreneur & Business Advisor
- Arunima Misra – Proofreader
- Mariano Luis Dotras – Movement Ambassador
Board of Directors
- Rob Schram – President of the Board / Secretary
- Ria Pröpper – Treasurer of the Board
- Tessa Groenen – General Board Member
- Anniemiek Braamburg – General Board Member
Board of Advisors
- Ad Ragas – Professor Environmental Science
- Daniël Poolen – Experienced Sustainability Engineer
- Spencer Roozeboom – Entrepreneur & Business Advisor